Calibration Management
The packages are available at three levels, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, to accommodate all of our customers needs.
Level 1
Includes a call-up facility for your equipment free of charge, this consists of an email sent approximately three weeks prior to the calibrations being due, detailing the equipment due, calibration date and whether the equipment is calibrated on-site or returned to our Laboratory.
We would contact the company representative approximately two weeks prior to the due date to arrange a suitable date for the on-site calibration and /or TUS to be undertaken and/or to organise collection of the equipment if required.
All customers equipments status, calibrated or repaired by us in our Laboratory or through an approved Sub-Contractor can be viewed in real time using the Calibration/Repair tab on our CUSTOMER PORTAL
Certificates for the calibrations and/or TUS will be issued and are available on our web site and accessed through our Customer Portal to review and digitally sign, view and download. CUSTOMER PORTAL
Level 2
As Level 1, but with the added service of looking after all of your sites equipment if required, this can be at one or multiple locations. Also the Calibration Management of equipment outside of our UKAS accreditation can be undertaken and managed, these calibrations would be sub-contracted to UKAS Companies or appropiate Calibration Companies that cover the calibrations subject to your approval and controlled and monitored by us.
Certificates for all the calibrations and/or TUS (including any subcontracted) will be issued and are available on our web site and accessed through our Customer Portal to review and digitally sign, view and download. CUSTOMER PORTAL
This solution (Level 2) can be very cost effective and reduces your resource overhead allowing you to concentrate on your core business.
Level 3
Level 3 incorporates Level 1 and Level 2 and includes the storing of customers equipment, the call up and calibration of the stored equipment, also distribution and collection of stored equipment as required throughout UK and Ireland.